Bus: (407) 834.1742
Fax: (407) 834.2622
Gordon "Pete" Magyar Jr.
1947 - 2008
M. R. 'Mickey' Crouch EA, ATA, ATP
Accountant and Tax Professional
My Mission

I exist to meet the needs of my clients by providing personalized tax and Accounting services with the highest quality and integrity. I will aim for and reach superior, measurable standards of quality with every product I deliver and every service I provide. My clients will regard me not only as a leader in the world of income tax and accounting problem solving, but also as a Trusted friend and ally; as a partner in the pursuit of their financial dreams.

What is an Enrolled Agent?

An Enrolled Agent (EA) is an individual who has demonstrated technical competence in the field of taxation. EA's are licensed directly by the IRS, and can represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service. Only EA's, attorneys and CPA's may represent taxpayers before the IRS.

My Memberships

National Society of Accountants, (NSA)
National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)
The Florida Society of Enrolled Agents (FSEA)